Our professionally trained safeTcare operators are on standby 24/7 and are here to assist in any medical situation, although we don’t give a medical diagnosis, we will get you the care you need at any time.
We have well-defined event protocol procedures to ensure we can provide the best and most consistent response services possible. These processes coupled with the safeTwear GPS and our database that contains your vital information such as emergency contacts, allergies, special instructions, and your health history ensures we provide one of the most comprehensive response services in Australia.
Because you are connecting to a real person, we can help you to decide the best outcome. Sometimes a visit from family, friends or even a Registered Doctor may be best for you. We can arrange to contact any of these for you. If you need an all-hours Doctor, we refer bulk billing services, hence no out of pocket expense and is an alternative for non-critical medical alerts.
safeTcare offers assurance and added peace of mind from trained professionals. Your well-being is our highest priority.
Same address, but newly renovated call centre facilities, state of the art phone and computer systems plus the most current programs, means we can take more emergency calls faster and share more information with Emergency Response personnel, ensuring we get help to you rapidly.
Simple, fast, and accurate. After 100,000s of hours experience over the past 5 years, safeTcare delivers a complete overhaul of everything, from our new call centre renovations, smarter computer programs and easier than ever to use systems for our customers.